Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ministry to Orphans

So maybe you don't feel like adoption is for you. Here are some other ways that you can minister to orphans and other needy children of the world:

1. Sponsor a child through an organization such as Compassion International (http://www.compassion.com/Default)

2. Go on an organized mission trip to an orphanage.

3. Consider giving financial assistance to a family who is adopting.

4. Find out the needs of a particular orphanage (such as blankets, medicines, clothes, baby supplies) and send them along with a mission team or a family who is traveling to get their child.

5. Participate in Operation Christmas Child. (http://www.samaritanspurse.org/OCC_Index.asp)

6. Give financially to other organizations who provide humanitarian aid to orphans...such as Dillon International (http://www.orphancareintl.org/) or Here I Am Orphan Ministry (http://www.angelfire.com/or3/hereiam/Missions.html)

Most of all....PRAY!!!!!

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