Thursday, January 19, 2006

Can I brag a bit?

The other day we received a note home from school telling us that Samuel had been chosen as "Student of the Month" for his class for the month of December. Each month the school focuses on a particular character trait. December's trait was courage. At the end of the month, a student from each class is chosen who has best represented that character trait throughout the month. Apparently a photo is going to be taken of the students and will be in our small local newspaper.

A week or so earlier we also got a note from Samuel's aid, Mrs. C, telling us how polite Samuel is at school and that when he saw her that morning he asked, "How are you today?"

Obviously we are very proud of Samuel. We have so many people tell us what a joy Samuel is. I don't consider that a testimony to our parenting skills, but to Samuel's character. My prayer for him is that He will grow up to love the Lord and that he will "grow into", so to speak, this testimony that the Lord has given him.

Thanks for letting me brag!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Samuel! How cool!
Pam DeArmon

Anonymous said...

Samuel, Congratulations on your Student of the Month Award! We are very proud of you, and we love you so much! Love, Aunt Sal