Friday, September 04, 2009

New Layouts

Well hello there!! It's Friday once again and you know what THAT means!!!! New Release Friday at ScrapMatters!
Haynay has a new kit out today called "World Traveler." It's a great collab. with new designer Sarah Bennett. This is a really rich kit with great papers and elements. Here's a layout I did using "World Traveler" from Epcot in 2008.
[All images are clickable for full credits.]

Denise Beatty also has a new release today...... "All Squared Away" templates. Here are a couple layouts I did using these really versatile templates.

I haven't mentioned it yet.....I guess because I've been so busy with Sam's surgery and recovery and the start of school......but I am a new member of the ScrapMatters creative team! I am so thrilled and excited to be part of this great site. I'm honored to have been chosen......the talent of this creative team and design team is INCREDIBLE. I'm very excited to have this opportunity to get to scrap with such great products and share them with you. Here are a couple layouts I've done in this first official week as part of the ScrapMatters CT........

This LO uses a REALLY PRETTY new kit from Pressed Petals Designs called "Softly Spoken."

This next page uses another kit that's new today. This one is "Miss Mary Jane" by Jennifer Barrette Designs. It's a super cute kit!

And this last one is using "Dessert" by Juno Designs and a template from Jennifer Barrette.

Well, I gues that's it for now! I'm BEAT!! Been lifting Sam a lot and it's taking a toll on my back!
I hope everyone has a great weekend. And to those in the States, I hope you enjoy the holiday!

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